Title | U209-000-R USB to Serial Adapter Cable |
Duration | 01:24 (mm:ss) |
Share | https://tripplite.eaton.com/video/cable-usb-to-serial-adapter-u209-000-r-extended/77575 |
Transcript | If you work in IT at a data center, chances are you've spent plenty of configuring and troubleshooting serial devices, like PDUs, network switches and console servers. You probably prefer to do your job remotely, because doing it on site means lugging around your laptop. Unfortunately, doing your job remotely is not always possible. Sometimes, you have to configure on site. Sometimes, you're already on site and something goes wrong. Luckily, with Tripp Lite's U209-000-R USB to Serial Adapter Cable, you can use your USB on-the-go enabled Android tablet or phone to configure and manage your serial devices. |